
Featured Weddings
Your wedding will be one of the most important days of your life, and when the day is over, all that's left is memories. Having a wedding professional to capture memories of your wedding day is the best way to hang on to the happiness and emotion felt during your special day. At Joel Seidel Photography, we use two photographers for most packages and this enables us to capture the details of each special moment. We still believe in real prints and we include a wedding album and print selection in most packages. But not to worry, you will get all the digital files in each package too!
Engagement Sessions
Engagement sessions are complimentary in some of our packages, but could also be added to any wedding package for an additional $399. This session can take place at any location within 20 miles of Kutztown and can last up to 1 hour. The digital files will be available to you as well as professional prints & products from our lab.